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Nutritional Wellbeing Nikki Webster BA, DipCNM, mANP, rGNC
Nutritional Therapist
Women's Health Specialist
Central Manchester, London and Worldwide

Genetic and Functional Testing. peapod

Functional Testing

Functional Testing
Comprehensive Stool Analysis
Comprehensive Thyroid Panel
Genetic testing/Methylation
Allergy testing

Functional Tests are change-makers in the realm of Nutritional Therapy. They give us the opportunity to dive-in and investigate your individual health status and nutritional needs. They are particularly helpful for those who feel they eat well, have healthy lifestyles and no apparent genetic links to symptoms, yet feel they are experiencing health complaints and not feeling well.

Nutritional Wellbeing works with the worlds leading testing companies, across all areas of health to ensure we have your health needs covered. Below are the most common functional tests we run, however there are a lot more on offer. Please get in touch if there is a specific test you need and we will get it sorted for you.


Comprehensive Stool Analysis


Comprehensive Thyroid Panel

Genetic Testing

Nutrigenomics is the effect of nutrition on gene expression. Although we cannot change our DNA, we can change the way our genes express themselves, and this can be influenced by our food and lifestyle choices. Nutrigenomics has a vast amount of scientific research backing the effectiveness of working with, and potentially preventing, health conditions in a tailored and individualised way.

We work in association with Lifecode Gx’ genetic testing services which enable health professionals to implement proactive, preventative, and personalised health plans through testing for genetic variants (SNPs). They are the only DNA testing company that provides genetic results in the context of environment, showing precursors, substrates (raw material), cofactors and inhibitors, enabling us to understand the 'so what' and to apply specific plans for you. We may recommend one or more of the DNA tests below if suitable.

DNA collection takes just 1 minute using a simple cheek swab, enabling analysis of over 150 of the best researched genetic markers that can be impacted by diet and lifestyle.
Methylation: Methylation is critical for keeping your body and brain biochemistry in balance. Common genetic variants (SNPs) can impact our natural ability to methylate and thus result in increased susceptibility to systemic imbalances and chronic health conditions including heart disease, depression, diabetes, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, poor foetal development and premature ageing.

Detoxification: The Detoxification report focuses on the key genes and variants involved in regulating Phase I, II and III liver detoxification pathways including those involved in the metabolism of caffeine, alcohol, hormones, neurotransmitters, pesticides and various common pharmaceutical drugs.

Histamine intolerance: Histamine intolerance is a toxic response by the body resulting from an imbalance between accumulated histamine and the capacity to break it down. Histamine toxicity is associated with numerous symptoms that mimic an allergic reaction such as skin irritation, gastro-intestinal upset, respiratory distress, headaches, insomnia and anxiety.

Oestrogen balance: Imbalanced hormones can have a number of negative effects on health and wellbeing and are highly influenced by environmental, dietary and genetic factors. The main role of oestrogen in the body is to increase the growth and production of cells, but it is also involved in the regulation of the female reproductive system, the development of secondary sex characteristics, maintenance of bone density, blood clotting, skin health and mucous membranes.

Nervous system: The nervous system DNA test examines the key genes and variants that affect neurotransmitter balance, nerve cell growth and maintenance, thyroid hormone conversion, inflammation and pharmacological response. Common genetic variants combined with environmental factors including nutrient imbalances, low physical activity, toxins and other stressors can result in anxiety, depression, mood imbalances, lack of motivation, drive or focus, addiction, poor memory or sleep disturbances.

Athlete Performance: DNA sequencing has opened the door for personalised approaches to health and fitness, enabling a more intelligent approach to training, recovery and performance. In this report we present elements of your unique DNA profile that have been shown to affect athletic performance.

APOE: The E4 (epsilon 4) form of the APOE gene has been associated with disorders of lipid metabolism (increased plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels) and increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Having the APOE 4 version of the gene is one of many risk factors but this does not necessarily mean you will get any disease associated with it.

Nutrient Core: Discover how your genes impact your response to food - gluten (coeliac disease), lactose (dairy), and caffeine; your microbiome diversity; nutrient need - vitamin A (beta-carotene and retinol), folate (B9), vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, and glutathione; and metabolism - blood sugar control (insulin), appetite (leptin) and inflammation.

A DNA Test Kit: Is required with all orders. This is to collect a sample of cheek cells from which DNA is extracted and analysed. The DNA Test kit includes:
-An instruction leaflet
-A cheek swab and mini-test tube
-A stabilising tablet
-A consent form
-Return packaging and postage (UK only)
It takes just 1 minute to collect the sample, place the swab in the test tube with the stabilising tablet, complete and sign the consent form and place everything in the return packaging provided.

5 Report Suite: The suite includes the following five reports (a DNA test kit is also required):
-Histamine Intolerance
-Nervous System
-Nutrient Core

Allery Testing

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